
We prepare

Smart Moribudus

Youtube kanál - Theater Romathan

7. 12. 2020


implementation team

The author

Marian Balog

Marian Balog


The story tells of a naughty, stubborn and EXTREMELY smart mosquito that meets bees and their queen. ???????? However, this meeting will be the beginning of an unexpected situation and Moribundus will have to face many obstacles and challenges ...

How will it end in the end ?! ????

Can Moribundus overcome all obstacles? ????

Will he still be friends with bees ?! ????

So what will be his fate ?! ????

However, we will not reveal more ...

We cordially invite you 7.12. 2020 at 10:00 am on our youtube channel (Theater Romathan), where the fairy tale will take place online. ????

Just subscribe to our subscription! The notification at the start will come in the form of a notification ... ???? ????

We are looking forward!